Review of "Atheism Explained" by David Ramsay Steele

From a marketing perspective, "Atheism Explained" is mediocre to poor. The name and cover don't strike you as interesting, and the book certainly hasn't gotten as much attention as other books like "The God Delusion" and "God is Not Great". But this book is the most underrated of all the books about atheism or religion that I have ever read. It is far more intelligent, rational, and thorough than any of these books. No offense Professor Dawkins, your book was a good read, but this is, by far, the first book we atheists should be loaning, giving and recommending to our Christian brethren. It covers essentially every argument one will come across from a theist. It even spends some time dealing with the Qu'ran. All in all, I think that anyone exploring the subjects of theism or religion should own this book.

To be sure, this is only an atheist primer. If one finishes reading the book and decides that atheism is something that they want to learn more about, I would strongly encourage them to pursue their questions on Internet Infidels or on this website. In my experience, when Christianity is removed from your life it is like stripping away your foundation for just about everything, from philosophy and morality to origins and cosmology. So, I have compiled some links that should help anyone searching for answers to get a good glimpse of the answers to the "Big Questions" on life and on the origins of the Universe:

Richard Carrier on Morality

De-Conversion on Morality

My Page on the Argument from Design

29 Evidences for MacroEvolution

My Page on the Origin of Life

The Big Bang

My Page on the Origin of the Matter and Energy

My Page on the Origin of the Laws of Physics


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